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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Massive Voter Fraud In Muslim Areas, No Challenge Because Of ‘Political Correctness’

Massive levels of electoral fraud have gone unchallenged as a result of “political correctness”, according to an official new report from the UK government.

The Telegraph reports that a new report commissioned by former Communities Secretary Sir Eric Pickles reveals that UK authorities are in a “state of denial” and are “turning a blind eye” to election fraud in heavily populated Muslim areas.

According to the report, voter fraud is occurring “especially in communities of Pakistani and Bangladeshi background”, but concerns have been largely ignored due to “over-sensitivities about ethnicity and religion”.

The new information confirms reports repeatedly raised by Breitbart London. In 2014, Breitbart London reported on threats and chaos at Tower Hamlets polling stations.

First Lady of the U.S. Michelle Obama visited a school in Tower Hamlets in the summer of 2015 where she declared: “When I look out at all these young women, I see myself. In so many ways your story is my story”. She added, in her speech to the Mulberry School for Girls – most of whom where hijab-clad, that the area was full of “families [who] are tight knit… with strong values”.



  1. The last days of freedom on earth are very close. It is written !

  2. I read the story and can't figure out why the Michelle Obama paragraph was even a part of it.

  3. VANLOADS of Somalis were taken to the polls in the Columbus, Ohio area in recent elections.
    I'm sure they were all citizens.

  4. Whom ever does not believe this will happen in the US has their head in the sand. US is done for. Lock And Load and keep them handy.


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