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Monday, August 22, 2016

Man Who Leaked Clinton’s Medical Records Found Dead

Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service has issued a report saying that the father of a doctor treating Hillary Clinton for dementia was found killed this weekend after he leaked information about her deteriorating health to the public.

According to the report, Vincent Fleck, the father of Clinton’s physician Dr. Daniel Fleck, was found near his home just 24 hours after releasing Hillary’s most secret medical records to the public.

Whatdoesitmean.com reports:

The SVR first became “alerted/alarmed” regarding the circumstances of this latest mysterious death associated with Hillary Clinton on 17 July, this report says, when a “known/suspected” Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) “hit team” traveled about 70 kilometers (44 miles) from their New York City “base/headquarters” to a small village named Mount Kisco, both being located in New York State.



  1. This is getting to coincidental. I would really like to know the Truth. Everyone that crosses her, shows up dead.

  2. OMG, there just cannot be that many coincidences.

  3. If you don't want to die of natural causes then don't cross Bill and Hillary. Pretty cut and dry. You have a choice.

  4. "..Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service has issued a report saying.."

    I tend to believe that the rising body count surrounding the Clintons and their corruption is alarming and probably accurate to some extent, but I have to also wonder about the source of this latest report since the Russians seem to be trying to influence the election.

    Further follow-up to this report is warranted, but it should be viewed with caution.

  5. The news reports of the event say that he died during the 500 meter swim portion of a local Triathlon being witnessed by the public. He was 69 years old. He wasn't "found dead near his home".

  6. annnnnd another one...

    its really sad, sick, and twisted if she or her cronies actually have anything to do with these 'accidents'...

  7. What kind of world do the dem's want if they are just going to kill everyone that gets in their way. The blind and dumb that still intend to vote for such a despot are the worst of the worst and deserve everything that they ask for.

  8. Comments/posters on Facebook have also been threatened for statements against the Clintons.

  9. The Clinton Murders were alarming Years ago, but no one was really paying attention. In fact most laughed. I anyone still laughing? I don't think so. Does anyone on this blog have an honest (not goofy), explanation? No, there really isn't an honest explanation, other than the Clinton Mafia...


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