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Tuesday, August 09, 2016

LOU DOBBS: Koch Bros, Paul Ryan, Hillary Clinton on Same Side – It’s Globalists Against Americans

Lou Dobbs went off on the Democrat and Republican globalists tonight on his FOX Business Network nightly program.

Lou Dobbs: And let’s be clear, whether it is Charles and David Koch, whether it is Hillary Clinton, whether it is Paul Ryan, whomever, they’re working on the same side of a divide. And that is a divide between globalists and Americans and everybody better understand that as we move forward from this point.



  1. hopefully Ryan gets kicked out today

  2. Wow somebody with some sense. The rainbow warriors, UN, Council on Foreign, Relations the trilateralist commission, plenty more, Illuminati, masons Shriners, all in on it. Its all for the glory of Satin in the long run.

  3. 4:00
    "there you go again"

  4. Do some reserach 427 might open your eyes? Start with "none dare call it treason"

  5. None dare call it normal or sane either.

  6. Lou Dobbs had this figured out many months ago. He's spot on. Go Lou.

  7. Don't need to research with the source of Road Scholars on here. Marty Knowlton would be proud.

  8. 4:00 some take longer then others to wake up. They watch MSM and think its true. If cnn, abc, nbc, even fox told them it is going to snow on july 4 they would be buying milk and toilet paper.

  9. Redneck Shore-man with doctorates ...wow


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