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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Julian Assange Says Wikileaks Will Release Clinton Documents

Julian Assange, the co-founder and editor of Wikileaks, says that his organization will “absolutely” be releasing thousands of “significant” documents regarding Hillary Clinton before the Nov. 8 election.

“We’re working around the clock. We have received quite a lot of material,” Assange told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly during an interview that aired Wednesday.

Asked if he will release the documents before the election, Assange replied: “Yes, absolutely.”

Assange has previously teased an “October surprise” that could threaten Clinton’s candidacy. The release, should it occur, would follow last month’s dump of nearly 20,000 pages of emails and documents hacked from the Democratic National Committee.


1 comment:

  1. No wonder hillary takes so much time off.....she's losing a lot of sleep over which bribery and influence peddling affair will be coming to light next.
    She KNOWS all of the tawdry details. She just doesn't know if THEY do. Yet.
    It's like watching the John Gotti spectacle. Crimes and allegations of crimes on a relentless and never-ending treadmill of new events.
    "I never did that", "there's no proof of.....", "it's absurd!", and "everyone is lying about me, all the time, year after year!!".
    Thing is, he went (justly) to prison.
    She, being wholly protected by Two Sets of Laws, makes millions in bribes while supposedly being overwhelmed by the workload of being Secretary of State, and now runs for President!!!
    If someone doesn't like it, all she does is run off a dozen or so names of the OTHER people that didn't like it and are no longer around to get in her way. To borrow a phrase, "comply or die". Literally.
    Not since the Nixon era have we seen this many politicians and their flunkies taking the 5th. Because they are innocent, of course.
    Keep cheering.


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