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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

It’s official: Obama to send TPP to Congress

Jeff Sessions: 'He arrogantly thinks he knows best'

The White House has put Congress on official notice that it will be sending lawmakers a bill to implement President Barack Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement later this year.

The White House submitted what’s known as a Statement of Administrative Action giving Congress a 30-day notification that the administration plans to present legislation implementing the TPP.

Obama has previously said that he intends to push the TPP in the lame-duck session of Congress after the election.

Congressional leaders have said they would not consider the so-called “free trade” deal before the election because it is extremely unpopular with voters.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have spoken out against the TPP, though Clinton helped negotiate it and once called it the “gold standard.”



  1. Here is goes, once this is passed, gun control city and confiscation to come shortly after... that is part of the TPP...

  2. They need to pass it so they can find out what is in it.


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