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Monday, August 29, 2016

Imagining Hillary Clinton as president

”At long last,” she thinks. “My time has come. They’re now all here, fighting for me.”

And with that, her first orders in the White House will be to strip and replace the telecommunications system. Yes, she and Bill did that in the early 1990s, but surely it’s become outdated. Plus, there’s always been that lurking suspicion that someone’s tapping their phone calls.

“The Obama’s are technically on our side, but they’ve never really trusted us,” she thinks. “The way Obama denied Sidney Blumenthal a job at State — he was my personal friend and that was my call to make. Plus, they’ve always been suspicious of our great charity work, its best they remain on the outside.”



  1. "Strip and replace the telecommunication system"?

    Like she would know what to replace it with.


  2. I will not imagine it and you can't make me!


  3. I get physically sick to my stomach just thinking about old Killary and ALL her lying and cheating and stealing. What a trash bag.


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