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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

I Want These Officers To Pull Me Over!

HALIFAX, Va. — It is always a nerve-wracking experience when you get pulled over by police. Sometimes you know you were speeding and just get busted. Other times, you may have no idea you were doing something against the law.

Such was the case this week in Halifax, Virginia where Police Chief Kevin Lands and Officer Brian Warner pulled over drivers for violating vehicle code — otherwise known as driving on a hot day without ice cream.

The pair recorded one such traffic stop and the result should bring a smile to your face.

OFFICER WARNER: Good afternoon ma’am. My name is Officer Warner and I am with the Halifax Police Department. Do you know the reason why I pulled you over today?

DRIVER: No sir.

OFFICER WARNER: Are you familiar with vehicle code


OFFICER WARNER: Well it’s actually against the law to drive on a hot day without an ice cream cone. So on behalf of the Halifax Police Department, we’re just making sure everybody is following all the laws today and are driving with ice cream.


PASSENGER: Y’all have a wonderful, blessed day.

As you can see, the police purchased ice cream cones and handed them out to drivers.

When asked why he did it, Chief Lands said that he and Officer Warner, “wanted to try and put some smiles on people’s faces.”


  1. I am not the Grinch, but this crap peeves me off. Officer Friendly is not going to gain any points for his kindness. I fear that some trash pop his dumb butt while dispensing good deeds.

    1. It was a good gesture; wish police on the Shore would do that.

  2. 10:18 you got it right

  3. Nobody cares what you think

  4. Rewards for breaking the law , how interesting , why didn't I think of that ?
    Oh I know why , because it's just plain stupid. 6:38 , did you bump your head?

  5. 7:37 genius, they weren't breaking any laws. The police pulled them over to hand out ice cream and a little good will.

    10:48, you get peeved off by a little good will. You're probably one of the trolls that complains and finds the negative in everything

  6. How about they just let the law abiding citizens alone and go down to their local ghetto and clean it up? Any chance of that happening?

  7. I don't care what they're giving away! This is wrong! Dont pull people over for this! Wanna give out stuff like this? Hand it out a they walk on patrol! Just walk up to someone and hand it to them! Too many doors can be opened by this!

  8. Sure, I'll take the ice cream and the settlement once I sue you for unlawfully stopping me. Thanks officer. How about instead of pulling me over to give me ice cream you stop being a revenue collector for the state and just catch criminals? Then people would respect you guys and there wouldn't be a need for this dumb stuff!

  9. Yeah, give them ice cream to eat while they're driving so they can have an accident. Driving needs your full attention.


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