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Monday, August 15, 2016

HUD Doing Little About Fugitives In Public Homes

Federal law bans fugitives from living in taxpayer-funded public housing, and federal officials have no idea how many criminals are doing it anyway.

An estimated 1,300 felony fugitives were found living in federally funded homes in just one region of the country in 2012. Local public housing authorities refused to evict them, according to an unpublished Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Inspector General (IG) investigation first reported July 26, 2016, by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Those residents faced warrants for crimes ranging from felony theft to rape and murder. But four years later, HUD officials don’t know what happened to the 1,300, or how many live in taxpayer-funded residences now.

“No data to report to you,” agency spokesman Brian Sullivan told TheDCNF after repeated inquiries over a nearly three-week period.



  1. HUD needs to be cleared out, from top to bottom. The look - the - other - way edict from the White House is designed to give refuge to criminals, and to give them a place to continue criminal behaviors.
    And then there's the amount of crime within the system. Millions are stolen and squandered every day by corrupt administrators who have no business being officials.

  2. The people should be able to direct where their taxes are spent.

  3. It because the thug slaves living in public housing are the democrats army. The democrat party is the party of lawlessness. They are a very evil party and anyone associated with it is the worst kind of people on earth and this goes for local democrats too. You are filth. The party of wicked and liars. And don't anyone dare say they are a Christian and a democrat. No such thing.


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