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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Hillary’s latest ‘brain freeze’ stumps doctors

New video appears to show candidate stumbling during speech

Two prominent physicians sounded an alarm about Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton’s suspect health just as a video of her appeared revealing what the Drudge Report labeled “another brain freeze.”

There long have been questions about Clinton’s health, from her tripping and falling, to reports of blood clots, to special glasses that she used during the Benghazi congressional hearings.

But those incidents happened before she formally entered the presidential race.

Now that she is running, the “seizures,” the “brain freeze” and the fact she was helped up steps are raising red flags, according to Fox News “Medical A-Team.”

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show, Dr. Marc Seigel and Dr. David Samadi both insisted Clinton’s health is a campaign issue.

“I think the public has a right to know,” Seigel told Hannity. “In 2008, Sean, I looked over a thousand pages of John McCain’s records because of a melanoma he had 10 years ago. What about Hillary? In 2009, a severe fall. She breaks her elbow. In 2011, she boards a plane, falls. In 2012, she has a severe concussion which Bill Clinton says took her six months to recover from.”


  1. These "brain freezes" are nothing more than lies being told.

  2. Actually I think the brain freeze is the brain trying to keep track of all the lies being told.

  3. IMO she is "sicking herself up" incase the emails, Benghazi, or Clinton Foundation, actions finally carry her to court. The poor bitch will be much "too ill" to stand trial or go to prison.

    Also, in my opinion the two videos appear to have been doctored, so they would prove nothing in court.


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