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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Hillary Clinton 'short-circuited' on email scandal

The candidate has invented a new excuse for lying

When former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was asked last week if she has misled the American people on the issue of her failure to safeguard state secrets contained in her emails, she told my Fox News colleague, Chris Wallace, that the FBI had exonerated her. When pressed by Mr. Wallace, she argued that FBI Director James Comey said that her answers to the American people were truthful.

After Mrs. Clinton recognized that even her strongest supporters doubted her statement, she attempted to walk it back. In doing so, she repeatedly lied again, but offered as an excuse a bizarre claim that she had “short-circuited” her answer.

Who knows what that means? She claimed that she and Mr. Wallace were talking over each other and her answer had been misunderstood and misconstrued. Yet, Mrs. Clinton said that Mr. Comey exonerated her as being “truthful” to the public when, in fact, he stated that she had been truthful during her three-hour, closed-door, unrecorded interview with the FBI.

Mrs. Clinton told a group of largely pro-Clinton journalists that she had short-circuited her remarks. Then, she acknowledged that Mr. Comey had only referred to whatever she told the FBI as being truthful. Then, she lied again, by insisting that she told the FBI the same things she has told the press and the public since this scandal erupted in March 2015.



  1. You know, with all the Trump will lose, Trump is nuts coupled by the thinly veiled protection the Clintons get from DOJ. I can't but wonder just how deep the Clinton fairy tale goes. The DEM primary was a total farce with poorly talented players (and only 2). Hillary is basically giving NO Press conferences and of late is offering a pre-recorded podcast. Maybe she's not even real.

    In driving the roads, I have notice ABSOLUTELY no pro Clinton signage of bumper stickers. Maybe I'm driving in the wrong areas. Would it be interesting for people to weigh in that they DID see Clinton signage and where? As of now, I see the Clinton campaign as one big fairy tale.

  2. Most of us are getting really tired of Hillary "clarifying" things for us, when what she's doing is obfuscating, misdirecting and refusing to tell the simple truth!
    Enough is enough!
    Pull the plug!

  3. How many of "we, the people" would be given an UNRECORDED "interview" by the FBI if we were under criminal investigation involving national security?
    HOW MANY?!
    How many of "we, the people" would be shamed by the Director of the FBI on national TV for being negligent and careless with our national security and be labeled as a liar, too, and have the audacity to RUN FOR PRESIDENT?
    How many!
    How many "we, the people" would be "interviewed" by the FBI and have the agents (!) sign a nondisclosure threatening them with termination if they spoke about anything that was said in the "interview"??
    How many??
    Two Sets of Laws.
    The masters protect their own and act with total impunity. They don't give a rats ace what you think about it, either. What are you going to do anyway??? They will have you investigated, harrassed, audited, and smeared.
    If you know too much, they will have you killed.
    You are not protected by the Two Sets of Laws thing. Yet you cheer those who ARE???? What is the matter with you??? Other than a low IQ....

  4. 812, I am in total agreement, and I must be in the car right behind you, because I haven't seen any pro-Hillary signage either!


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