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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Hillary Clinton has no home base of support

Her economic plan would leave the U.S. flirting with recession

he’s a real nowhere girl. Sitting in her nowhere world. Making all her nowhere plans for nobody.

Poor Hillary Clinton. She’s trying so fervently to come up with at least one new, inspiring idea to jump-start a moribund economy and help the financially stressed-out middle class. She’s like the economics professor in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”: “Anyone? Anyone?” But the left’s idea cupboard is pitifully empty. They literally, not figuratively, have nothing to offer except tax, spend, spin and then hit the button again.

So in her speech on Thursday on the economy, she proposed last week’s leftover cold porridge. And it doesn’t taste any better today than when President Obama first served it up.

In her missive on the economy, Hillary pledged a jobs program “within my first hundred days in office.” Sure. But her former boss, Barack Obama, has had not just 100 but closer to 3,000 days to come up with a jobs program. Where are the jobs? Where are the pay raises? Where is the growth?



  1. There are a lot of people with shovels still waiting for those jobs that Obama promised. Hillary will promise the same thing, because that's all that she has.... promises.

  2. Health care's going to be paid for by the "super rich".
    And everything else, too, according to Hillary.
    Guess who's going to be taking their money and business elsewhere, creating more of a vacuum for her super rich foreign donors can step in?


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