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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Hillary Clinton Falls Again as Trump Questions Her Health

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stumbled on the podium Monday at her speech in Pennsylvania with Vice President Joe Biden.

Biden steadied Clinton after she awkwardly tipped over.

Clinton’s fall comes on the same day as Donald Trump’s comments in Ohio questioning Clinton’s health.

Trump said that Clinton does not have the mental or physical stamina to defeat ISIS and other global foes.



  1. "Trump said that Clinton does not have the mental or physical stamina to defeat ISIS and other global foes."

    Nor does she have the desire, as that would ruin her plans of becoming a Queen of the World.

  2. Are we supposed to feel sympathy for her? What if she "falls" during the debate? i wouldnt put it past her to do that.

  3. Also notice in other videos her wide-stance walking gait. With the frequent tripping, it's looking like she has some difficulties that might be of central nervous system origin.

  4. There could also be some diabetic neuropathy at work. She's sedentary, stressed, overweight and, by her own admission, not good at controlling what or how much she eats.

  5. I could not be happier!

  6. It's good her best friend came up with Obamacare. Looks like she may be needing it. But wait, she is probably exempt since governmental crooks didn't have to be subjected to its madness.


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