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Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Here On The Shore...


  1. They appear to have the same IQ as most on the shore.

  2. Dave T: Great cartoon ! Thanks for posting.

  3. 8:57 Why do you reside here if the citizens are so stupid?

  4. most of the 'come here's' are causing the most trouble. I say, please go back to where you came from and don't try to shove your changes and thoughts on us. we happen to love it here and really don't want your input.

  5. Great cartoon Thanks for posting
    Now to you 8:57 if you think the residents on the eastern shore are stupid, then why does your sorry ass travel over 2 hours to eat our food and drink are beer when you have all you need in the Obama and Hillery's world a crossed the bridge!Our taxes go to keep your road work done! if we had our way you would pay a hefty sum to come across the bridge in to our world where it is quiet and peace full and where most of us can pee in our yard with out offending some one!

  6. Wow 6:25. I'm impressed. I've never seen someone prove the very point they were arguing against so eloquently. Well done!


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