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Friday, August 12, 2016

Government Won’t Reclassify Marijuana, Allows More Research

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration isn’t going to reclassify marijuana and remove it from the list of the most dangerous drugs.

The Drug Enforcement Administration says in a lengthy notice in the Federal Registry that it consulted with the Health and Human Services Department and concluded that marijuana will remain in the class of drugs that have “no accepted medical use in the United States.”

The agency is opening the door to further medical research of the drug by expanding the number of agencies that can legally grow marijuana for research purposes. Currently only researchers at the University of Missouri have the government’s permission to grow pot.



  1. "No accepted medical use", yet the U.S. government still operates a pot farm and dispenses marijuana to a small number of people for accepted medical use. And a growing number of states allow medical marijuana. I call this baloney.

  2. And Trump will get this changed too because it is baloney. Maybe all the potheads better rethink their vote!

  3. fact, the scientific evidence suggests cannabis is safer than alcohol. Alcohol kills 40,000 people every year in the U.S. Cannabis kills nobody — although Willie Nelson says a friend of his did once die when a bale of cannabis fell on his head.

  4. More lies from our controlling leaders:
    Many people assume that marijuana was made illegal through some kind of process involving scientific, medical, and government hearings; that it was to protect the citizens from what was determined to be a dangerous drug. The actual story shows a much different picture. Those who voted on the legal fate of this plant never had the facts, but were dependent on information supplied by those who had a specific agenda to deceive lawmakers. The vote to prohibit marijuana was based entirely on a documented lie on the floor of the Senate.The history of marijuana’s criminalization is filled with:
    Protection of Corporate Profits
    Yellow Journalism
    Ignorant, Incompetent, and/or Corrupt Legislators
    Personal Career Advancement and Greed
    These are the actual reasons marijuana is illegal!!
    why do we now have a heroin problem since we've entered Afghanistan? kind of makes you wonder!! who are they really protecting? but still, the ignorant keep cheering

  5. 4:48
    I agree with you.
    Its origins have to do with getting rid of the "mexican population" in western states.
    In addition, the CIA had control of much of the plant coming into the US and benefitted tremendously by keeping it illegal. The for-profit prison industry definitely wants to keep those who are guilty of victimless crimes in their properties (investments).
    The fact is that marijuana is an incredible plant that provides humans with many many benefits.
    It is a gift from nature.

  6. I would like to know what the "accepted medical use" of alcohol would be since that is the benchmark for keeping the drug classified as a Schedule I. I do not see it listed as a Schedule I drug although I have yet to find an accepted medical use for it. More BS from the government.

  7. 4:31
    Cannabis kills nobody?

    Just because there has been no tracking of that data doesn't make the drug safe.

    Fact is, cannabis causes all sorts of permanent mental disorders including lowered IQ.

  8. 4:31 I CALL BS PROVE IT. more lies. Your sir will have no facts to back your your ignorant statement. Pot the drug itself never killed or made them mental or stupid!!! Big pharma and alcohol can NEVER make any such statement!

  9. Here ya go 4:31. I'll be back to disprove your second ignorant statement:
    You might have heard that smoking marijuana makes you stupid.

    If you grew up in the '80s or '90s, that was more or less the take-home message of countless anti-drug PSAs. In more recent years, it's a message we've heard — albeit in more nuanced form — from Republican candidates on the campaign trail and from marijuana opponents at the state-level.

    The contemporary version of argument can be traced to a 2012 Duke University study, which found that persistent, heavy marijuana use through adolescence and young adulthood was associated with declines in IQ.
    Other researchers have since criticized that study's methods. A follow-up study in the same journal found that the original research failed to account for a number of confounding factors that could also affect cognitive development, such as cigarette and alcohol use, mental illness and socioeconomic status

  10. Successful, Famous, Cannabis-Smoking Geniuses
    From Neil deGrasse, carl Sagan, Tyson to Bill Gates, plenty of geniuses admit to enjoying pot.

  11. Oops! it appears to make you confused 1131 & 1135? I think you meant to direct your comments to 9:20 not 4:31?

    Guess its 4:20 for you most of the day?

  12. The majority of the American people have already reclassified cannabis as a safe and useful drug. The federal government has to do some catching up.


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