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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Former FBI Technician Pleads Guilty To Passing Information To China

A former FBI technician has pleaded guilty to acting as an agent of China.

Kun Shan Chun, 46, admitted in federal court in New York on Monday that he had passed sensitive information to a Chinese official on more than one occasion.

"At the time, I knew that was wrong, and I'm sorry for my actions," Chun said, according to Reuters.

Court documents state that Chun, a Chinese-born naturalized U.S. citizen who also went by the name Joey Chun, had worked as an electronics technician for the FBI since 1997 until his arrest in March. He had a top secret security clearance and access to classified information.



  1. At least he didn't lie about it, like Hillary did.


  3. Hang him?

    Come on. China is the largest trade partner with the US.
    That country is not an enemy.
    The Clintons and Bushes have cooperated with China for decades now and helped them to improve their technological prowess. The Chinese make almost everything we wear each day (clothing) and all of the I Phones we use.

    China is very important to the American economy. Without China Americans would have very little of the products we use everyday and Walmart wouldn't even exist!


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