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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Fact-Check -- Top 20 Lies in Hillary's 'Alt-Right' Speech

Andrew Breitbart would have been proud: on Thursday, his website became Hillary Clinton’s number one target.

In his book, Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World!, Andrew recalled how he warned the Tea Party what lay ahead for them: “I said that they’d be labeled racists and hate mongers and violent criminals, that they’d be depicted as the dregs of society, people to be excluded from dinner parties because of their made-up closet KKK status. They were about to be targeted.”

Andrew added: “They need to marginalize and demonize those that would stand up to their hardball, toxic, and antidemocratic tactics … But it won’t work. Given a fair hearing, given just the slightest exposure — and the American people will rise to the occasion. They see these tactics for what they are.”


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