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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Donald Trump on the Stock Market: 'It's all a big bubble'

"If rates go up, you're going to see something that's not pretty"

Count Donald Trump among the ranks of those who don’t think too much of the stock market as a sound place to put money.

A day after making a widely watched public address on his economic plan, the Republican presidential nominee advised against betting on Wall Street.

The big problem, as Trump sees it: The low interest rate environment fostered by the Federal Reserve that has coincided with a 227 percent market gain since the financial crisis lows.

“If rates go up, you’re going to see something that’s not pretty,” the billionaire businessman told Fox News during a Tuesday morning phone interview. “It’s all a big bubble.”

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  1. The FED is controlling the stock market as well as Forex and Comex.
    Several large banks have already plead guilty to rigging LIBOR.

    We should not invest in paper assets.

  2. Just food for thought , yesterday I was approached by a neighbor , he said did you hear what Trump said about Hillary , he said she should be shot. I told this guy Trump is only saying what the rest of would say if we had the Balls.
    I don't know what Trump said , but like I said most of us want to say what he says. You go Trump!!

  3. It's going to come down right after the election. 1929 ALL OVER AGAIN.

  4. And Hillary is boasting about raising taxes! Anyone who votes for her is out of their minds.

  5. The Fed is propping the market, and from articles from Harry Dent and the X22 report, The federal government owns and controls over 60% of the stock market. The market is being propped up with fake money. Just a matter of time before the house of cards comes crashing down!

  6. Does everyone not know that the federal government has first knowledge of stocks. They are rigging the market and if they are not, then they are going to pull a buyout that will crash the market. Anyway you lose, they gain. Just like today when the market took a jump all at once. Usually this does not happen in real life. How do you think they get so rich. Martha Stewart went to prison for this but the government gets away with it.


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