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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Court Asked To Rule On White Marlin Open Controversy; Legal Filing Details How Polygraph Tests Found Deception

Pictured is the 76.5-pound white marlin hooked on the second day of the White Marlin Open. 
Photo by Hooked On OC/Fish In OC

OCEAN CITY — The White Marlin Open formally asked the Worcester County Circuit Court on Friday to rule on who should receive the $2.8 million in prize money that was awarded for this year’s top catch in the tourney.

Earlier this week White Marlin Open issued a statement by Jim Motsko announcing a “possible violation of the rules” by angler Philip Heasley and the Kallianassa boat. On Thursday night, Heasley issued a statement denying any wrongdoing.

“In response to a ‘perceived to have committed’ allegation against the Kallianassa, the winner of the 2016 White Marlin Open held in Ocean City, Md., its owner regrets that there is any ambiguity surrounding its successful participation in the tournament,” the statement reads. “The owner, captain and crew adamantly state that they have followed all tournament rules and regulations without exception and have unequivocally committed no wrongdoing.”

Heasley maintains the Kallianassa will be cleared when the all of the facts are known.



  1. Court? Polygraph ? Didn't think they could use these results in a court .

  2. 79 pounds is half what the record White Marlin is. Does this say something?


  3. Mr. Heasley will end up with his winnings.

  4. 7:44-That has always puzzled me.If a person refuses to take a polygraph,that can be introduced as court evidence,but polygraph results are not admissable in court.Go figure.

  5. By claiming deception, do they mean the people involved passed the polygraph by altering the readings? Or do they mean they flunked the exam. Polygraphs are usually not admitted as evidence due to the ease of manipulation.

  6. polygraphs? what a joke.

  7. what is the problem??? they caught the fish, they weighed the fish, no one else caught this type of fish. they win. period.

  8. Rich white people problems and money should be donated to the tempura foundation. They provide services for lightly battered women!


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