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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

CNN Cuts Off Jill Stein After She Questions Hillary's 'Competency' For The Presidency

CNN anchor Carol Costello cut off Green Party candidate for president Jill Stein on Monday after she questioned Hillary Clinton’s “competency” to be president “if she wasn’t aware that she was violating State Department rules” regarding her sending classified email.

Appearing on “CNN Newsroom,” host Carol Costello asked Stein,”Do you believe that Mrs. Clinton should face criminal charges for using her private email server?”

“There are many experts in the field actually who say that intent is not part of the justification for proceeding for the investigation, the question is whether top secret information was put at risk, regardless of the intent. So I think that’s a matter that deserves public discussion,” Stein said.



  1. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 16, 2016 at 7:40 AM

    As you can see in this video CNN host is just trying to talk over the candidate numerous times. Why ask the questions, if you not willing to hear the answers?
    Well, obviously, CNN stands for Clinton News Network. And those working for them should be called
    C - Crooked
    C -.Clinton
    C - Communist
    P - Peasants
    And the Sheeple Keep On Cheering.

  2. If there is one citizen of the United States of America that doesn't know by now that Crooked Hillary Clinton is CROOKED, then Lord help them. CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX News, all of them can cut anyone off that want when they go talking about Hillary and her wrong doing, but guess what, we already know she is the scum of the earth and she is no good and we are not going to vote for someone who should be in prison, better than that who should be under the prison, not in it, for all the wrong doing she has done her entire miserable life. God does not like ugly and shame on her, Bill and Chelsea.

  3. The spin doctors of the MSM should have thier licences revoked. Quacks. No one is buying their saint hillary and evil trump. Nope no way


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