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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

CNN Bashes "Conspiratorial" Questions About Hillary's Health

Omits report about NYPD officer and federal agent who witnessed her walking difficulties

CNN is attempting to dismiss questions about Hillary Clinton’s health by asserting that photos which appear to show her struggling to climb some steps are old and merely show the aftermath of her slipping.

However, the news network conveniently fails to mention the fact that both federal and NYPD sources have blown the whistle on Hillary’s difficulties with balance and walking in the past.

Under the headline ‘Drudge Report misleads readers with Hillary Clinton photo’, CNN’s Brian Stelter writes that news aggregator Matt Drudge is “taking a six-month-old photo out of context,” adding that Drudge was “wrong” to imply that Clinton has a hard time walking



  1. CNN should be investigating the 3 suspicious democrat campaign deaths.

  2. The mainstream media is an evil enterprise.

  3. The physician's glowing report is from a year ago. A lot can quietly happen to people of her age, especially under stress. To dispel rumors of he alleged illnesses, she should have another exam and public statement. I recommend Dr. Dem O'Crat. He's in the phone book.

  4. Being unsteady is one of the side effects of diazepan. Seems like a reasonable thing to pursue.

  5. Her health is bad to say the least. Let's see a doctor's report...

  6. So much delusion on this blog. Why not just wait till November and see who wins the election?

  7. FDR and Wilson were both in wheelchairs.

  8. Probably got shot with a tanquilizer dart that missed an elephant.

  9. Yeah, 353, like passing the bill to see what's in it? Cool plan, but no. If it was 6 months ago, it will get worse with time, as aging goes. I need a leader, not an invalid.

  10. FDR and Wilson were in wheelchairs because of problems below the waist.

    Hillary's are above the neck. It's a much different thing.

  11. By CNN you mean the clinton news network?


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