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Friday, August 19, 2016

Clinton Campaign Cites Fake Documents to Claim Hillary Health Questions Are "Debunked"

Classic straw man hoax designed to distract attention from the real evidence

Hillary’s Clinton’s campaign is citing fake documents to assert that questions surrounding her ill health are “debunked” conspiracy theories.

The problem with that narrative is that no serious commentator who raised questions about Hillary’s health ever used the fake documents as evidence.

As the Washington Post reports, Hillary’s campaign sent reporters an article from FactCheck.org entitled “Fake Clinton Medical Records” which debunks the authenticity of a “leaked” document circulated on Twitter that claims to be from Lisa Bardack, Hillary’s personal physician.



  1. The mental health problem is evident.


  2. She will have a taxidermist on retainer before all is said and done!

  3. just like obama did with his birth cert from Hawaii


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