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Monday, August 15, 2016

Changing Chesapeake: Rising Sea Levels Change Assateague Island

Mercedes DeMasi has been coming to Assateague Island National Seashore to camp for more than 20 years.

She books her favorite spot, nestled in the dunes between the ocean and the island’s famous wild horses, months in advance.

But this year, she said, she noticed her spot doesn’t quite look like it used to. “Things have changed a lot around here,” DeMasi said. “I've definitely noticed like the dunes eroding a lot."

Kelly Taylor with the National Park Service said most visitors don’t really think about sea level rise here on the island until they can’t find their favorite campsite. “They're like, ‘Number 14 is the best site,’ and they turn around and are like, ‘Ah, what happened?’"



  1. lol,
    Well I've been going to assateague for almost 30 years, and guess what the waves come and go and every year the beach changes. It's called mother nature. You global warming idiots are gonna cry your eyes out when old man winter rears his head this year! wish idiots like mermaidy's would just stay the hell back in dc and never come here again! hopefully if sea levels ever do rise the anncostia will fill her home with the sewage they pump into the bay every day!

  2. that darn global warming caused the inlet to appear in the '30s! look what man has done to Ocean City since then!

  3. 9:36 What are you so angry about???
    Have a Good Day!

  4. Um, it's a SANDBAR on the edge of a 106 million square mile ocean! Campsite 14 will move every year!

  5. Assateague is a barrier island. Thats what they do, change. Has nothing to do with "global warming " has to do with nature. Campsite 14 will be gone someday and there will be a new campsite.

  6. I planted a tree 20 years ago and it is so much bigger. Must be globle warming.

  7. 10:00 not angry just tied of these liberal pos's coming down here and complaining. They add nothing to our area other then pollution! like I said let her stay home and camp along the banks of the anacostia!

  8. Easy 9:36/12:35, I know a few GOPers who actively listen (without comments) to the global warming stuff here on the island. Scares the heck out of me that they don't comment, but I figure - opinions are like a-holes, everyone has one and most use them!

    Do agree about our camper staying put on her side of the Bay Bridge. Instead of worrying about Assateague, she best worry about that garbage filth Anacostia! Cuz if Mom nature every decided to "camp" up the Potomac River, we'd have more to worry about than if its "butter" or "Parkay"! (Can't full Mother Nature Parkay Commercials of the 70's)

    pssst, 4 more days until TGIF!!!!

  9. Maybe she has cataracts now and is mistaken that good ole #14 is different.


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