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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Can You Relate?


  1. I'm surprised every time I drive in Ocean City during the summer months and bare witness to bicyclists speeding through a red light to nearly cause a collision that would mean their demise. But usually ends in a motorist slamming on their brakes or swerving to just end up causing a secondary accident. The police need to start cracking down on this behavior and I know they see it they just ignore it or are too busy on their phone or pc to care.

  2. 1:42 Traffic cops only care about stopping people in hopes of a drug/alcohol bust. They don't care about general traffic safety. That is why we have ended up with the problems we have.

  3. I have been asking myself since no one will answer my question which is why there are no tickets written for this illegal and dangerous actions. That would be considered, in a car / truck, reckless driving, not obeying the law etc.. Is this not a moving violation? Why do the Police ignore it? Wait until the College returns. Wait until the SeaGull Classic does their yearly obstruction of traffic and Law Enforcement totally ignore their actions because it is the University. These idiots are supposed to be the well educated and professionals. They could bring in Thousands of dollars in fines to go for the roads and bridges repair.

  4. Riverside drive always has groups of bikers taking the whole lane and stopping you from getting around them

  5. And the stupid Salisbury City had signs installed to share the road/lane with these nuts that block a VEHICLES path and many times causes accidents. Why can't they use some common sense when on a bike???? Sorry, I forgot, most of them have none to spare.

  6. When the start paying insurace & tag fees like automobiles, then, and only then should they have rights of the road!

  7. Careful, you may hurt Matt Drew's feelings!

  8. Why does the state mark and allow bike cyclist to ride on the shoulders of rt 50 now a days?
    Are bike cyclist this stupid to ride down a major highway with their backs to all the idiots going 70 plus mph towards them?

  9. 803
    I agree completely. It is the responsibility of the cyclist to watch for autos and trucks.
    The cyclist has the most to lose by not looking out.


  10. Too much lettering on pic. Is that the ex-mare?

  11. You can always flip them off.

  12. And to think the l seagull century is right around the corner, glad I'm leaving town during that asinine event.

  13. plus, they ride on the sidewalk. It's dangerous to walk the dog.


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