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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Can Someone Please Explain


  1. Because they are selling us, this Country....to the highest bidder and they want us to look and act on our best behavior for their customers.

  2. Because Democrats are PROVEN liars, corrupt criminals, race dividers, cowards and, worst yet, traitors. We've had eight years of a failed Democratic president who only goal was to impose socialist values and do away with the American way of life. If you think can't get any worse, just wait and see if Crooked Hillary wins the election. The founding fathers knew what they were doing by including the Second Amendment. Have we had enough yet??

  3. Because Muslim citizens ARE CITIZENS TOO. They may be born here or they may have earned their citizenship. Everyone has the right to voice their opinion in a democracy, even one as flawed as ours. I suggest you all stop complaining and contact your representatives. Spreading hate on a website will change nothing.

  4. Anyone who wants to go along with Muslim's demands, needs to leave this country and go live in Muslim country.

  5. 9:17 NO!

    Sharia is not compatible with America. Muslims have NO business here in this country.

  6. 9:17 - opinion, yes! But they should not be allowed to foist their lifestyle upon the rest of us - like the gov't is doing with LGBTQ's!

  7. Donald Trump can bring this Muslim war with the west to an end with one well placed nuke. Harry S. Truman made it work with the fanatical Japanese, and Donald J. Trump can make it work to take the fight out of the Muslim fanatics. Nothing else can stop their assault on the west.

  8. Sharia law is compatible only with Muslim governments. The tenets of these laws are contradictory to the rights and respect that every person deserves.

  9. 9:44 you are making the assumption that every Muslim practices Sharia law when in fact you couldn't be more wrong. It is well known that Sharia law is not compatible with the western way of life. Most Muslims come here because they too do not agree with it and want the way of life described by 10:02. You may know this if you actually went outside once in awhile instead of getting your information from sources who want to fuel Islamophobia. In what ways has Sharia law been written into our governing bodies? You can be Muslim and not follow Sharia law the same way one can be Christian and not follow Catholic rules. You fail to see the similarities between the two because you have been programmed to focus solely on the differences.

  10. Dave T: Great post. My sentiments exactly !

  11. Come on folks.
    BOTH political parties are thoroughly corrupt and illegal organizations. It isn't just the Communists(Democrats) it is also the Facists (Republicans).

  12. 10:28 Its not just Sharia law that is a problem it's your treatment of women.


  13. The posting is accurate.

  14. 11:43 I am methodist so...nice try. I agree that their treatment of women is wrong. However with that being said, I have met many Muslim families who do not look down or restrict their wives and daughters. If you left your trailer you may find the same

  15. 1:13. My water view is great....thanks so much! No trailer. Rude. By the way...most Muslim men do restrict their women. You need to educate yourself.


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