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Thursday, August 18, 2016

CAIR: The Constitution Says Government Can’t Study or Criticize Radical Islam

An Islamic group tied closely to jihadi terror groups is complaining that Donald Trump will violate the constitution by helping Americans better understand the nature of radical, jihad-promoting Islam.

“One of my first acts as President will be to establish a Commission on Radical Islam – which will include reformist voices in the Muslim community,” Trump declared in a reformist foreign policy speech on Monday.

“The goal of the commission will be to identify and explain to the American public the core convictions and beliefs of Radical Islam, to identify the warning signs of radicalization, and to expose the networks in our society that support radicalization … [and] we will pursue aggressive criminal or immigration charges against anyone who lends material support to terrorism,” he said.

That promise of legal charges is a direct threat to the jihad-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations, which has many material links to domestic and foreign groups that support Islamic war.

CAIR has been declared a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates and was named by federal prosecutors as an un-indicted co-conspirator in a Hamas-funding operation.

CAIR responded to Trump’s speech by suggesting that rhetorical and religious support (although not actions) for Islamic jihad terrorism is a constitutional right, both for Americans and for would-be immigrants who wish to introduce jihad and other Islamic ideas into the United States.

More here


  1. Lol coming from a terrorist org lol.

  2. It's the President's duty to protect our country against all enemies foreign and domestic and that includes educating his people in order to defend themselves and recognize who the enemy is. I don't think I would trust the jihadists to decipher the United States Constitution

  3. Our biggest enemy is Congress and POTUS

  4. Take a moment and just imagine how the jihadists would deal with the rioters in Milwaukee, Ferguson, Baltimore and so on. I doubt if they would be as understanding as the local police.

  5. The potus wants a race war thats why he is releasing thugs and bringing in more muslims.

  6. CAIR should be wrapped in bacon and thrown to the dogs!

  7. I can't for life of me understand how a man running for the white house as a half white and half black can do this to us. and for get about the whites.(map)

  8. That may be partially correct however, they must forgo Sharia law and abide by the Constitution! For all men are considered equal as long as they respect the freedoms and the rights of others why should they not participate? assimilation is the key! radical Islam or muslim dictates will not fit in our society, laws or constitution.

  9. Poor babies, let us cry more. NOT (map)

  10. So, what does CAIR have to say about what the Constitution says about instituting Sharia Law... They seem to think that is fine.



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