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Friday, August 12, 2016

Busted: CNN Fabricated Secret Service Story About Trump

With Donald Trump’s gun rights comments already taken out of context by the liberal media, CNN attempted to keep this controversial narrative in the headlines, but they failed miserably.

Now the story is no longer about the liberal media’s first lie – about an ‘unstable’ Donald Trump’s rhetoric possibly endangering Hillary Clinton – now the story is about CNN being ‘outed’ and set straight by Reuters.

While CNN falsely claimed that the Secret Service spoke to Donald Trump about his comments and how they might endanger Clinton, Reuters reported instead that:

“A federal official on Wednesday said the U.S. Secret Service had not formally spoken with Republican Donald Trump’s presidential campaign regarding his suggestion a day earlier that gun rights activists could stop Democratic rival Hillary Clinton from curtailing their access to firearms.”



  1. So yet again MSM reporters do not read as well as they think they write. Maybe all documents that include words such as not are written like they do on grade school tests in all caps, bold and underlined so maybe they will understand that something did NOT happen.

  2. "The most malevolent and ruthless power is that over the free human mind: if one controls how one thinks, they control the individual itself." [New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship]
    Today we are in the midst of a revolution, not one fought on the streets with bullets, but one you might call a war for the mind. It's a war being waged for the hearts and minds of people with the end game being submission or death. It's the same battle that has waged for centuries and will eventually climax with the appearance of the antichrist.

  3. Too hard to confirm sources I suppose...so why bother? Besides once the story's out there it's really hard to pull it back.

  4. "...formally spoken to..."
    For you non lawyers, thats political-speak for "yes, we said something to him, but it didn't rise to the level of an assaination threat...it was no big deal."
    The Secret Service, the MOST powerful police force in the country by far and unrestricted by any law, including the Constitution, showed up THE NEXT DAY at a 12 year old's school to question him (for a couple of hours, without his mom present or aware!) about a post saying obama should be careful (because people with bombs were all around, blowing things up). You better believe they said something to Trump.
    Thing is, he was telling the truth. If things continue down this corrupt, everything-is-for-sale, wrong is right, immoral path of destruction, it WILL be Second Amendment believers who handle it.
    What? You thought "strongly condemning" something or writing a brilliant letter to the editor, or painting a rainbow on something will protect our freedoms?
    Nah. They'll kill you FIRST.
    YOUR best bet would be to cower in your closet, try not to whimper too loudly, and let patriots do the things Jefferson predicted. He also, quite accurately, predicted the events and conditions that would precede those actions.
    Look around. Recognize anything?
    Now, go buy a gun and ammo or get into the closet.

    Keep cheering.

    1. Who are you attacking? It's like your on a liberal blog disagreeing with them. Most comments are pro Trump. I get you have zero accurate information based on zero real facts but seriously!! Thank you.

  5. CNN is useless anyway. Only idiots watch and so the lying really does not matter!

  6. The "Main Stream Media" has been in the tank for the democrats for as long as TV has been popular, but they used to keep it covert. Now the MSM is out in the open and doesn't care how bold the lies are to keep the democrat (1st) and the establishment (2nd) in office. Their whole existence is funded by taxing the working people to death to support their hold over us.
    Trump is a real threat to them as he will break the cycle of corruption and maybe put some people in jail with a true justice department instead of that propaganda arm of the democrats with Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder

  7. August 12, 2016 at 7:53 PM

    No offense imclain but you're really getting boring. most of us know where you stand, or not, so no need to keep repeating it every chance you get. try different avenues of speech or something. little less complaining and more solutions. thanks and have a great weekend.


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