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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Business owner says he will move 150-person office out of Baltimore if minimum wage goes to $15

One Baltimore business owner says he will have to move his 150-person office out of the city if a hotly debated bill to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour is approved.

CMD Outsourcing Solutions Inc.'s customer service call center, which serves higher education institutions nationwide, has been in Baltimore City for 17 years. The company's current office is along East Pratt Street near the Inner Harbor. But as the City Council gets ready to vote Monday on a bill to raise the minimum wage by 2022, CMD CEO Russ Causey said the effects of the legislation could force him to move his business.

"I love the city. That's why I started my business here," he said. "This [bill] would move our rates up to a level that we would have no choice but to leave."

This contrasts with the views of some local business owners who have said it doesn't make sense to leave the city because even with increased costs, the location provides access to the highest concentration of potential customers and potential income.



  1. You see democrats are morons they cant add. Higher wages WILL lead to higher cost for all!! and the carrot never gets any closer

  2. Exactly what Trump was talking about last night. Liberal policies are destroying our cities.

  3. Democrats are morons. You raise minimum wage you have to cut the number of employees to keep your payroll the same or you raise the price of your product to the consumer.


  4. Check with Seattle to see how the mega increase is working out there!

  5. The dems don't care. You could pay them 20 a hour they still make More on welfare. I hope they all leave and let them have there own town with hood rats in it

  6. It's a job killer at a time when we need more jobs. Stupid liberal Democrats.

  7. Waa waa waa. He is a greedy POS that apparently does not even pay livable wages and is contributing to the welfare population. Funny how he expects what he doesn't pay his employees, they get from the government (welfare). And you rubes are too stupid to realize you are already paying for it.

    Anything less than that in the city and you are definitely living in poverty and getting some form of welfare to help out.

    Then leave. The only reason he is there is unlimited minimum wage workers on his revolving door business.

  8. Can't fix the problem by throwing more money at....

  9. 6:13 - The only stupid rube here is you.

  10. 6:13 - I would say you've been drinking too much of the liberal dumbocrat Kool-Aid - or you have an extreme case of cranial rectitis!

    Small business owners in the service industry compete where labor is the highest cost and operate on this margins due to the competitive nature of the services industry. He's not making a gozillion dollars profit per year (contrary to your presumption), he's probably barely able to put money aside for his kids college fund.

    Guessing that you voted for the turd twice and want more with the HildaBeast - you should probably sit this one out!

  11. His business is outsourcing so that means his whole business model is minimization of wages.

    He "loves the city" but he loves his excess profits even more.

  12. One of many businesses which will do the exact same in the very very near future. Impact - poorer areas remaining just that, poor.

    We just can't dig ourselves out of a hole without digging deeper.

  13. The purpose of a business is to make money. If you lose money, you figure out ways to start making money again. Why take pride in anything if the government thinks that they should tell us what we should be paid? Whats next? Free college? free healthcare? do you not realize the more government is controlling every aspect of your life, then how much do you actually want to be free? As long as you get 50 likes on a selfie life is good, right?

  14. If they would have passed this would the people that work for the State of Maryland also be paid $15 or does this not apply to state employees? How about Federal employees?

  15. I don't understand why they keep trying to raise the minimum wage. It has been proven to lose jobs, yet they keep trying to do it. Idiots!

  16. He's got a call center, with 150 (mostly) women making little more than minimum wage, and no real benefits or retirement. The turnover there is going to be horrendous, which adds to operating costs. So he pays a little more, and his turnover rate drops, saving him money.

    He didn't move to Baltimore because he "loves the city", he moved there because he could find plenty of people desperate enough to work for less than it costs to live indoors. And a government system that subsidizes those substandard, niggardly paychecks.

  17. I suspect the "some local business owners" have the same identity as "THEY" or "It's A WELL KNOWN FACT.." Just BS.


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