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Thursday, August 18, 2016

BREAKING: Ryan Lochte And One Other U.S. Swimmer Indicted In Brazil

Police in Rio said Thursday that there was no evidence that the two U.S. swimmers were robbed at gunpoint like they alleged earlier this week.

They noted that at least one of the swimmers vandalized the bathroom of a gas station where the group of athletes stopped on their way home to the Olympic Village from a party Saturday night

“The athletes were confronted by security officers, and they offered the gas station employees 100 Reais and $20 to cover the damages,” ABC News reported. “Police said a gun was shown by one of the security officers because the athletes were getting aggressive, but excessive force was not used.”



  1. All they need to do is tell them they were just pulling a "Hillary", she makes stuff up and never gets indited.

  2. Here's what's funny. Here you have a swimmer telling a lye to indict others for his own wrong doing. Yet you don't believe bad cops, with all of their power, do the same? Especially when facing much dire consequences?

  3. I can't believe that the media doesn't even question the Brazilian polices version of this. Some reports say the guard was actually a RIo police officer and three minutes of gas station footage is missing. I get that the swimmers were drunk and caused damage but I bet guns were pulled and money demanded. The attention this is getting is ridiculous.

  4. So disappointed. But unfortunately, this is how many people raise their kids now. No responsibility for their actions and they believe they are special so laws do not matter. Hillary and Bill just ahead of their time.

  5. That is Americans for you.

  6. 9:42 Stupid comment.


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