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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Baltimore officer suspended after calling protesters ‘thugs’

BALTIMORE (AP) — A vice president of Baltimore’s police union has been suspended after sending an email to the entire department that referred to demonstrators as “thugs.”

Police Lt. Victor Gearhart was referring to a group protesting the state Fraternal Order of Police conference at a downtown hotel.

Department spokesman T.J. Smith said Police Commissioner Kevin Davis was “outraged by the email” and said the message “is not representative of the men and women of this agency.”



  1. PC going crazy. They WERE thugs. He was just calling a spade a spade.

  2. Geez, a cop call "Thugs" what they are? More PC crap, when you can't tell the truth. Next will be calling a "Rapist", the "Date challenged".

  3. It may not be representative of the agency...doesn't mean it's not true. They are thugs and the officers were only stating the facts. Don't like being refered to as a thug? Stop acting like one.

  4. It is “representative of the men and women of this agency.”, but it is also a true statement.

  5. It is what it is. That's why nearly every company has a PR rep

  6. Dave T: wow, so now people are disciplined for telling the truth ! how ridiculous. they are thugs !

  7. The protesters are thugs and so is anyone who associates with BLM or any of it's fringe groups. They are nothing but thug criminals whose goal is to limit police presence in black neighborhoods so they can commit crimes more easily and anyone who says differently is lying. They are getting exactly what they deserve in the form of many many more shootings and murders all black on black. Wicked evil people who pretend to be God fearing but are really followers of satan. This is why God is punishing black neighborhoods with bullets ripping through black bodies from guns shot by other blacks. You turn you back on God and pretend to be a Christian and He will and has turned His back on them.

  8. thug
    As Tupac defined it, a thug is someone who is going through struggles, has gone through struggles, and continues to live day by day with nothing for them. That person is a thug. and the life they are living is the thug life. A thug is NOT a gangster

  9. After what's been going on in Baltimore the past few weeks the police commissioner is basically kissing the butt of the mayor

  10. Thugs is actually a good word for what those people really should be called.


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