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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Attack of the Globalists: Magazine Owned by Hillary Mega-Backer Urges Republicans to Vote Clinton

PHILADELPHIA – An article published over the weekend by theEconomist warns that an America governed by “wall-builders” will be “poorer and more dangerous,” while urging Republicans to support Hillary Clinton instead of Donald Trump, who, the magazine claims, has “sucked confidence out of global institutions.”

Unmentioned in the article is that the Economist Group, which owns the controlling stake in the magazine, is partially owned by the famous Rothschild family. Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild (pictured) also sits on the Economist Group’s board. She is a top Clinton supporter, donor, and fundraiser, and has done work with the Clinton Foundation and donated to the foundation.

De Rothschild is such a staunch Clinton supporter she became a “PUMA” (“Party Unity My Ass”) activist after Clinton lost the Democratic primary to Barack Obama and she supported John McCain in protest.


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