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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Americans Want Total Revolution Against Mass Immigration

New polling data shows that it would be virtually impossible for Hillary Clinton to win the general election if the Republican nominee were able to frame the immigration issue in populist terms that emphasize reducing the overall amount of immigration into the country and protecting jobs, incomes, and benefits for the domestic population.

The poll was conducted by Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, in conjunction with Breitbart News Network, and surveyed a random selection of 2,010 registered voters throughout the nation.

“The poll shows that instead of dividing Americans, immigration is an issue where Americans have reached the consensus that it is a problem, maybe the problem,” said Doug Kaplan, the managing partner of Gravis Marketing.

The polling data suggests that the Republican Party could see overwhelming electoral success if it were able to portray Clinton’s immigration policy as a corporatist attempt to flood the labor supply with foreign workers in order to drive down wages and incomes for American workers.



  1. Americans are increasingly ready for revolutuon against a tyrannical government. We should not continue to tolerate the behavior of our elected leaders.

  2. Should we send the Statue of Liberty back?

    1. Maybe so we don't take care of the Americans that need help but give thousands to immigrants

  3. I will never understand why Dem voters are so pro immigration. They need to understand that the dollars that go to support the illegals results in less money for American citizens who need it. They are taking money away from themselves.

    1. They need the votes to sustain thier power. Nancy Pelosi spoke of establishing an echo chamber. Which drowns out all opposition. Hillary Clinton was allowed to break the rule of law. Clearly we are no longer a republic.


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