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Sunday, August 21, 2016

A Viewer Writes: I got scammed by Jiffy Lube!


  1. call the manager and demand they do what you paid them to do.

  2. If you knew the extent of their crimes youd be floored. Considering their employees are all on work release programs its not surprising this still goes on as per my very similar experience 20 some years ago...at south salisbury blvd {beside dunkin donuts} Its a real shame LEO's allow this open air theft ring to go untouched after all these years.

  3. They have ALWAYS been a scam.

  4. I guess you get what you paid for....take your vehicle to a dealership....you will have a certified tech working on your car....sure you pay more for it...how's that jiffy lube workin out for you?.....

  5. stealerships are worse than jiffy lube

  6. Typical for Jiffy Lube

  7. I learned the hard way too, they lost my entire family's business. Don't ever go there. And other stuff for Jiffy Lube was reported on SBYNEWS last year as well. Heed the warning folks

  8. I go to Grease Monkey. They're a little better I think...

  9. They miss treaded a friends lug nuts and when they had another problem with the cars wheel the dealer ship had to order a special tool to get the tire off the car. Which cost$$$

  10. No 341 it's called a dealership....we're gentlemen like myself spend decades working on a specific car brand....going to school for that car brand...in 30 years I have taken more classes than a college graduate.....kept updating my master certifications.....if you want your car fixed right....a dealership is your best bet.

  11. I once had my car there and watched three of the techs spend a half-hour trying to open up what they thought was a lens cover to replace the bulb-it was a reflector! Stupidity

  12. Ditch the chains and dealerships and find an independent mechanic or shop that is locally owned....Ask around for who is reliable and go from there.

  13. Unfortunately, the majority of working people cannot afford the astronomical labor rates and inflated part prices's at dealerships. An individual that does their own repairs correctly can save a bundle. Sadly most auto manufacturers are now building vehicles that have to be taken to a dealership for repair due to the need for special tools, etc.

  14. 5:30 No i think 3:41 got it right...Stealership is exactly the correct term. Especially if you have a Toyota.

    Don't get me started as to why i feel that way because i could write all night.

    1. I agree. Dealership are unaffordable and totally crazy on prices.

    2. no fan of jiffy lube but 3 things looked wrong. where was the cap to his brake reservoir. power steering has a hot and cold fill to allow forexpansion of fluid. most are full when cold at the half full level and finally i have seen engines where right after changing the oil and filter and just running a pressure leak test the oil turns black and dirty from allowing to much time between changes

    3. That's a bunch of b.s. definitely Jiffy lube,writing that crap. Car oil not changed verified by 2 separate mechanics,plus old oil filter still in from previous oil change at different business

  15. Think about this look at the stealership auto boutiques on shaft u row on rt 13 north in sby. The amount of people employed there is totally crazy all these unneeded people and fancy buildings and contents are why the cost of cars are so much. If you want to get a decent later model car or truck search your local gsa auction and you can save thousands alot of local independent dealers have got rich doing this and still provide a good vehicle without stealership prices

    1. Hey village idiot...the dealerships and people employed there have nothing to do with the price of a car....sure go buy the auction/flood car....or just stick with your bicycle...

  16. I disagree with the auto mechanic who says that a dealership is your best bet. In over fifty years of using dealership mechanics from time to time, I've always found that they're expensive, and sometimes found that their work and diagnostic skills are not up to par. My experiences say that they're generally overrated.
    I looked for and found a local mechanic who is honest, an automotive guru, and has reasonable prices.
    For simple stuff, like oil changes and routine maintenance, etc., I would NEVER go to the dealership or a place like Jiffy Lube. I trust my mechanic, he charges a fair price, and the money stays here instead of going to a national chain or to ridiculous advertising fees that we, the consumers, pay for when we buy a new or "certified" used car at a dealership.

  17. Well I can say that an older vehicles motor is more likely full of carbon etc. Even with fresh oil your oil can be dirty as hell by the time you drive home! Do yourself a favor..... buy n do your own crap!

    1. Sorry but not in ALL cases. My car is old and EVERY TIME the oil is clear when I check it after an oil change.

  18. Dealerships probably do have the best mechanics for the car type but their prices are outrageous. One dealership wanted $80 for a synthetic oil change. Went to NAPA for $25 and a wix filter did it myself.

  19. lol...dealerships?? I'll tell ya about dealerships.

    Had a recall on our 05 Camry, it was an engine issue that was a no-cost recall. Went to the local Toyota dealership(not here but near DC). They did the no-cost recall. Then tried to claim the water pump was leaking, and that the timing belt was not only overdue for replacement, but was fraying. They wanted nearly 2K for the work. Thing was, a few months earlier, I'd taken it to the shop I always used when living up there, and had already replaced all of that! I gave a call to that shop(which has been open since 1919, owned by the same family). They told me to bring the car over, and they put it on a lift as soon as I pulled up to their business. They showed that the Toyota dealership and techs were lying. No leaking water pump, no fraying on the new timing belt.

    Stealership's is an apt term.

  20. I did also. What they didn't know, I checked all fluid levels before I went. They bled my brake fluid. (Of course, I'm just a poor dumb woman, a mechanics daughter.)

  21. labor rates at stealerships are higher then what it costs to have your jet worked on $50 to $80 an hour, stealerships $80 to $150 depending on car make. Only you aren't pulling you jet over to the side of the road when it breaks. learn to fix you own vehicles. otherwise get used to being screwed!

    1. Yep keep stuffing your Crack pipe...jet labor is very high....

  22. kudos to the consumer reporter!! thanks!!!

  23. If or when you have a problem with vehicle maintenance, the first thing to do is notify the management of the problem and ask that it be corrected. The managers of these type of businesses can't watch every move that their employees make. Only by customer input can a manager determine if the employee is suitable or not. The best bet is to find an independent garage that comes recommended. An independent's prices, in most cases are much lower and will usually give you a more accurate assessment of your vehicle"s condition. Dealerships on the other hand. are constantly trying to sell you maintenance or repairs that are far from being necessary, due to the fact that from the time you enter for service, everyone you speak to is working on a commission for whatever they can sell you. Beware of any service that you receive and always check your oil level after every oil change.

  24. 7:41. You are correct. You can change the oil in neglected engine and the minute it starts and runs the oil can be as black as it was before service.
    ASE certified mechanic.

  25. Oh my gosh the DEALERSHIP trolls are out in full force.
    What a joke
    I took my car to the LOCAL HYUNDAI dealership, and their certified techs ripped me off and then when I confronted them on it, they took my car back and intentionally put a scratch in it so deep that it has now rusted.

    You see when they charge you for an alignment you should actually get an alignment. But they didn't and could not come up with the documentation that they did.

    SO.... beware, no matter where you go

    I now go to Clydes. Never had a problem, nice honest people.

  26. GO TO VALOLINE! !!!

  27. 3:16, the LEO's can't do anything if the incidents aren't reported to them

  28. They did a radiator service for me and never picked up on a blown head gasket.Honestly I just needed to be told so I could get estimates.The end result was getting a new car because the repair was app 1/2 of what the car was worth.Maybe JL didn't realize it when the drain & fill was done.I am not a mechanic by a long shot & need to be honestly apprised of problems.

  29. As a stupid old woman who use to help her husband rebuild double barrel carburetors, change my own oil, I also went to Jiffy Lube for an oil change. Told them that is all I wanted. While sitting there boy comes in and tells me my rear side panel lights were burnt out and needed replacing. I walked out to the shop with him and started laughing. I asked him how they could be burnt out when the side panel never had any lights in the side panels to begin with. Needless to say he could not show me either. Never went back.

  30. I have never gone into Jiffy Lube and NOT had other things pitched to me. What a racket. You're best bet is to go to some place like Pasco. Locally owned the people aren't there to rip people off and upsell. They do the job you give them, and if they see something, they'll tell you but I've never gotten any hard-sell from them. If you're going to shop locally, then get your car fixed by locally owned shops, too. What's up with your Green Brigade? Are they sleeping?

  31. Perdues used cars. Old OC Rd. Honest, Reasonable and affordable.

    1. Place is a rip off also. Auction cars bought across the bridge for penny's then sold to locals on the shore for top dollar. Stay away from this place.

  32. you are not supposed to add brake fluid to the resivor.when the fluid is low its time to replace the brake pads . hello, yoohooyou big dummy

  33. I have changed my own oil in older vehicles along with the filter and been disappointed when the new oil was turned dark to black by the traces of the old oil. The newer engines are built with much closer tolerances and there's not as much blow by and oil burnt to stain the oil as dark now, so the new oil looks a lot better. If your car has a low cylinder or a worn valve stem, you will have black oil all the time.

    But I'm only 62 and have always done my own service work, so I'm still new at this.

  34. Took my car to the dealer (local)for an oil change, 90,000+ mi, so also replaced belt and tensioner. At the next oil change they did a "FREE" inspection and recommended a new belt and tensioner, among other things. ?? Next day battery was dead, next week I noticed an exhaust leak. I wonder....

  35. Jiffy lube hires convicts ? Nice while they rifle through my car stealing stuff shame on jiffy .

  36. 12:41 What if a break line was busted it would be low too you big DUMMY.

  37. CLYDEs is a fox in a henhouse beware very very expensive

  38. Everyone knows this before even going there!!! When have you ever gone there and they didn't find something wrong and try to sell you something more or perform more than what you initially asked for?? I went there for a simple oil change left with my brake lines leaking brake fluid and they sent me on my way

  39. 10:06 oh yeah Clyde's is great! That is the reason every bay in there has a camera recording because they can't trust the mechanics! Oh yeah their newest mechanic doesn't even have his license yet!


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