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Monday, August 29, 2016

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 8-29-16

I've been seeing headlines over the past few days saying that the black folks are finally starting to realize how they've been had by the democrats and they're opening up to voting for others.

I sure hope this is real, and that they will open up to the idea that all white people are NOT like their democrat oppressors.

They have been held in slavery for generations by a party that has blocked their progress in education, held them in poverty and lied to them about almost everything.

If I was black, I would be mad too.

To my black brothers and sisters: if you really study history you will see that we conservatives have been trying to help you for a long time. For real. It isn't us that's trying to wipe out the black race with abortion and poverty.

Take a good, careful look at where you are and what is being done to you, and try to open your heart to listen to what we are offering you-- an opportunity to have a real life of your own, where you're not beholden to somebody to keep your handouts coming.

One of the biggest lies that's ever been told to you is the idea that you can't make it without government handouts and preferences.

You CAN!! All you need is a good opportunity.. a good education, a good job, and a decent place to live.

Most black folks I know are very decent people. I'm praying you will soon be able to feel the same way about us, because these divisions between us have really hurt us all.

Let's work together to fix what's wrong and get rid of those who are keeping us from being One Nation Under God.

August 29, 2016 at 2:11 PM 

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