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Monday, August 15, 2016

96 Percent of Clintons’ Charity Donations Went to Family Foundation

Hillary and Bill Clinton funneled 96 percent of their charitable donations to their own family foundation, according to the Democratic nominee’s 2015 tax returns.

Last year, $1 million of the total $1,042,000 that the Clintons deducted in charitable contributions went to the Clinton Family Foundation, the Daily Caller reported Friday.

The tax return showed that the other $42,000 in contributions went to Desert Classic Charities, a nonprofit that organizes an annual charity golf tournament. The organization then in turn contributed $700,000 to the Clinton Foundation. A foundation adviser and longtime Bill Clinton assistant, Doug Band, was on the organization’s board of directors through 2014, according to IRS filings.



  1. And these Liberals tried to make something out of Trump using his facilities and paying them for his political uses. At least his was not getting a write off from the government. Talk about hypocritical.

  2. Hillary for Prison! And while we're at it, Bill can go, too.

  3. As far as I'm concerned, Hillary Rodham Clinton is guilty of treason. And by extension, anyone who votes for her is too.


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