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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

10 Safest Cities in Maryland Report for 2016

1. Brentwood

Previous rank: 1
Violent Crimes per 1,000: 0.32 
Property Crimes per 1,000: 1.59

2. Sykesville

Previous rank: 2
Violent Crimes per 1,000: 0.45 
Property Crimes per 1,000: 4.72

3. Manchester

Previous rank: 3
Violent Crimes per 1,000: 0.21 
Property Crimes per 1,000: 7.48


  1. No surprise that Salisbury and Cambridge are near the bottom of the list!

  2. The safest cities are the ones furthest away from the Cocoa Puffs.

  3. What is the economic and racial make up of the safest cities?
    Never mind I already know the answer!

  4. Brentwood and Glenarden are in PG County.

  5. Wow Salisbury is below bmore I moved back here from Brooklyn park do my children can have a childhood like mine....not happening ...This town has gone to poop. I have done multiple things including going to town hall to get a group together to clean up the river and guys guess what..your not allowed the chamber of commerce does it EVERY SPRING..yep once a year...do if your caught you get fined our something I guess they all told me no and I was not permitted I asked what permits me they said nothing does....so..we need to show these politicians town officials and all others who don't give a second thought..This is ours...CAUSE IF WE DON'T THEN IT WILL BECOME WHAT WE DON'T WANT IT TO BE OR WORSE..AND HOW CAN YOU COMPLAIN IF YOU WON'T DO NOTHING TO CHANGE IT!

  6. dan said it would be like this

  7. Only towns of 3,000 or more residents.

    I bet the demographics will show a striking co-relation, too.

  8. I use the site City Data. Alot of useful information.


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