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Friday, July 15, 2016

What's Happening 7-15-16

It's Freaky Friday!!  What is something that freaks you out? Spiders? Bugs?

This will be an open thread for today. Tell us what is happening in this area. The good the bad and the ugly. Did someone do something nice for you? Let us know!! Did something upset you? Let us know! Have a good joke to tell? We want to hear it! Have a question you want to ask? This is your chance to get it off your chest.


  1. Anyone been to either butcher shop in the Goliath shopping center?

  2. muslim terrorists

  3. The fact that Naleppa was named one of the state's most admired CEO's..What a joke.

  4. Does anyone know how to get rid of moles? My back yard is infested with these little beasts!!!

  5. Google "get rid of moles"

  6. Moles are there for grubs and other little bugs.....heavy doses of lime for yards (agricultural lime same as farmers use) does the trick!!!! It may take two treatments but it works...we know!


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