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Tuesday, July 05, 2016

We're Being Played by the Clintons

RUSH: Okay, folks, I'm gonna tell you what I think is actually going on here. I think we are being played in the standard, common, everyday way the Clinton team plays the American people. It has happened, I can't count the number of times, dating back to when Bill Clinton was in the White House.

Essentially what this is -- and the Lynch-Clinton meeting is the latest ingredient -- we're being set up for massive disappointment, depression, and dispiritedness. They're making it look like, and they have all along, very possible Hillary Clinton could be indicted. They are toying with us. They're dangling this carrot in front us. "This could be the time. This could be it when we finally get the Clintons once and for all."

They drag it out, and they do things like this meeting that apparently compromises the whole thing and jeopardizes the whole thing, release information on all the emails they're finding and Hillary's IT takes the Fifth 125 times. Ask yourself, how many times do people ask you, "Do you really think Hillary's gonna be indicted?" And they say it with anticipation and excitement. How many times do people ask you that? They ask me that all the time.

My answer, by the way, from the get-go has always been, "She's not gonna be indicted. There's no way it's gonna happen. You don't understand the Democrat Party and their use of power if you think their presidential nominee is gonna be indicted by an Obama DOJ. Ain't gonna happen."

But they got a lot of people thinking it will, and when she skates, they want you depressed, they want you down in the dumps, they want you giving up, they want you thinking there's no way you can win. They want you thinking they can get away with everything. That's the Clinton MO, and we are right smack-dab in the middle of another such play. Don't doubt me.



  1. Nothing will happen until the conservative radio machine calls for massive protests and civil unrest calling for Hillarys indictment.
    There has to be an occupy type movement of the decent law abiding to exert pressure on the lawless Obama regime.

  2. Exactly! Where is our representation in Congress? But to be fair, Hillary and the State Department dragged this out by delays in allowing time for e-mails to be deleted, and to get their talking points coordinated so it sounded like they were all on the same page. If some heads don't roll soon, I believe masses will be protesting in D.C. before the summer ends.

  3. Do you really thing protesting
    is going to change this corrupt


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