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Saturday, July 02, 2016

TSA Agents BEAT AND JAIL Disabled Teen With Brain Cancer

Nineteen-year-old Hannah Cohen and her mother Shirley are suing the TSA after a Thursday incident in which agents at the Memphis International Airport beat and jailed the young woman during a security check.

According to WREG Memphis, the Cohens were traveling from Memphis to Chattanooga, a trip they have been making for 17 years so that Hannah can receive brain cancer treatment at St. Jude Hospital.

According to Shirley, Hannah — who is also partially deaf and blind in one eye — set off a metal detector while passing through security.



  1. This is getting beyond ridiculous! If we didn't have all these threats in our country the American people wouldn't need to be subjected this! More comply or die mentality from a tin badge holder! But I'm sure some cop loving jerk on here will say if she wasn't blind and deaf this wouldn't have happened or if they called ahead...... bull crap! There is no justification for any enforcement of any kind to do this to any American citizen!

  2. I would sue the individuals who did this.

  3. This corrupt and incompetent government agency needs to be shut down and replaced with private firms.

    1. If you mean the entire U.S. government, I completely agree.

  4. PRIVATIZE. We have to get the inept government out of every aspect of our lives.

    1. Too bad it doesn't work that way they still have to do the same security and be trained by the same people

  5. Eventually they will attack the wrong citizen.
    After the results of that confrontation, it will end.
    Once and for all.

    All revolution is violent. Always.

    Let's pray it doesn't happen.

  6. TSA is out of control folks. From the top right on down. They are sick people.


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