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Friday, July 15, 2016

Trey Gowdy exposes Loretta Lynch lack of transparency on Hillary Clinton e mails decision


  1. We are losing our confidence in our justice system.

  2. Hard to believe, isn't it, that this performance by our head of justice is this lacking.

  3. But at this point, what does it matter?!? The Liar In Chief will install her as AG for another 4 yrs once she gets into office. If you don't already feel absolutely powerless as a taxpaying U.S. citizen, you should.

  4. The Clintons have trained her well.

  5. I'll Bring The Common SenseJuly 15, 2016 at 8:15 PM

    People who support and run cover for criminals always pay a great price than the criminals themselves. Kind of like cheating husbands, their wives always pay the heavier price.


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