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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Irony: The DNC Builds 4mile, 8foot High Wall Around Around Philly Convention Site

To the Democratic National Committee elites, keeping average Americans away from their convention is a good idea, while protecting the southern border from intruding terrorists, rapists and murderers is a bad one.

The DNC has erected a four-mile fence around its convention site at Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Center. (Isn’t it ironic they’re doing so much to protect a site named after a bank?)

I thought the Democrats were about building bridges, not building walls. Seems like that is a lie. The Democrat National Convention is being protected by several miles of fencing. This is to prevent the party elites from having to mingle with their political base. All the people who supported Bernie Sanders out of their contempt for the vile bitch Hillary Clinton will not be allowed to have their voices heard. I’m also certain that the former Bernie supporters who infiltrate the convention and protest this will be promptly removed. There is simply nothing democratic about the Democrat party.



  1. It's an unfortunate reality in today's world where any idiot who can drive a large truck has the capacity to do a lot of damage. It also forces the public to enter and exit at pre determined points. Bet the Dems won't acknowledge that as a reason, though.

  2. For not liking walls, they sure did a fine job of getting this accomplished. Bunch of hypocrites!

  3. But this wall is to keep the attendees from leaving!

  4. You are all grasping at an idea that will never happen.

  5. Oh come on 8:32am, where's the fun in your comment?? I mean that's what politics has become - fun and games!!! Then when something bad transpires - seriousness for a few blinks, then back to fun and games. Just wait until CONgress returns - that's when the games kick up a notch!!!!



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