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Tuesday, July 05, 2016

The Internet Is Furious Over What James Comey Said About Hillary Clinton’s Emails

The Internet was furious after the director of the FBI recommended no criminal charges against Hillary Clinton after she used a private server to communicate about classified information.

“Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” James Comey said during a press conference Tuesday.

“To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences.”

People were quick to express their frustration on Twitter.



  1. He said that there is evidence of violations and others would not be immune from consequences.

    The Trump campaign can use these exact words as an admission of two standards of conduct and that the fix is in!

  2. totally political decision by his own words.

  3. Everyone should keep in mind that his man must consider his safety as well as his family's safety.

    American politics is very big business and there is a lot of money floating through the system. Safety is probably his #1 priority.

  4. What do you dumb citizens would happen? That she would actually go to jail??? You all are delusional...

  5. This is evidence to indict her and they are letting her slide?????
    No real surprise, however, if it is good for the goose, then it is also good for the gander known as Hildy, the beast.
    She isn't indicted, then how are earth could you indict anyone else on anything. She and Willie should be serving time for their corruption!


  6. Archibald Cox has the ethics to resign when pressed to do wrong. James Comey doesn't.

    The 'law' at the base of this issue requires archiving and retention of records created by ALL employees of ALL branches whether they are Top Secret or run-of-the-mill reports or PR fluff. Not complicated to understand. Your employer doesn't permit you to sidestep their computer system; we all know that.

    Over and above is the whole question of whether secret or national security issues were compromised.

    She set out to break the law and used extensive resources to do so. Comey is now complicit in her scheme.

    For shame!

  7. Will Killary , her Aides, lawyers and all others lose their "security clearances"?


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