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Friday, July 15, 2016

Sen. Sessions To Obama: Come Clean On Your Plans To Create Global Governance

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has written a letter to Obama demanding that the President reveal to the public his plans for the creation of a “new transnational governance structure,” as Sessions puts it.
Sessions is one of few Congressmen to stand up and demand more transparency on this sovereignty killing effort, now 10 years in the making. Most have sold themselves out for a paltry sum…
The TPP is a trade deal, which Sessions states is more like a treaty, that Obama has been working on with 12 other countries in complete secrecy, and will now be rammed through Congress with fast track. The Trans-Pacific Partnership will completely gut the sovereignty of any nation who signs it…the obvious reason it’s being kept from public scrutiny.
The letter hones in on the new global governance, as Sessions calls it, that would be created by the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)—which would almost certainly be approved by Congress should the House of Representatives vote in favor of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) to fast track TPP and other trade deals. TPA, which passed the Senate a couple weeks ago, would ensure—barring some unforeseen development—the congressional approval of TPP, and collectively the two have become known as Obamatrade.
“The letter, which received no reply, asked several fundamental questions Congress ought to have answered before even considering whether to grant the executive such broad new powers,” Sessions wrote to Obama on Friday referencing his previous letter. “Among those, I asked that you make public the section of the TPP that creates a new transnational governance structure known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission. The details of this new governance commission are extremely broad and have the earmarks of a nascent European Union, with many similarities.
“Reviewing the secret text, plus the secret guidance document that accompanies it, reveals that this new transnational commission – chartered with a ‘Living Agreement’ clause – would have the authority to amend the agreement after its adoption, to add new members, and to issue regulations impacting labor, immigration, environmental, and commercial policy.
“Under this new commission, the Sultan of Brunei would have an equal vote to that of the United States.”
The only way we have come to know of the contents of this treasonous piece of work is through Wikileaks,whos recently leak reveals that only a handful of the chapters have anything to do with trade at all, most are about creating that ‘New World Order’ that sold-out politicians lip smack over.


  1. No surprise here folks. Just keep moving along.

  2. Love Sen. Sessions. We the people have know this for over 40 years, but realize Bush 2 and Obama put this plan on steroids. so glad Sen. Sessions along with a few more are speaking out regarding this issue.

  3. Sessions is wearing the tin foil?

    Everybody knows that global governance is a conspiracy theory.

    Oh wait a minute, is it time to admit these conspiracies are real?

    As in, get rid of the tin foil?


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