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Friday, July 08, 2016

Salisbury Company Looking To Meet ‘Greater Demand For Security’

SALISBURY – In the wake of events like last month’s Orlando shooting, concerns about personal safety are on the rise.

That’s where USTASC comes in. The Salisbury business is focused on individual safety and security.

“Ultimately people’s safety is their own responsibility,” said USTASC’s Evan Avnet said. “Police can’t be everywhere all the time.”

USTASC — or Tactical American Security Consulting — handles everything from firearms training to security consulting. Avnet started the business five years ago. After working for several years as a member of law enforcement — with the Salisbury Police Department and the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, among other agencies — Avnet started teaching firearms training during his free time.



  1. It can't happen here.... until it happens here.

  2. Looks good but I would like to see a defensive class for "seniors"

  3. there are more qualified people out there

    1. Correct! R.S. Mitchell at MI'd Atlantic and On Target Training. Both locals and trained professionals.

    2. Correct! R.S. Mitchell at MI'd Atlantic and On Target Training. Both locals and trained professionals.

  4. can you say squoil?

  5. David Cook also offers handgun safety training for Average Joes. Listed on Maryland State Police website.

  6. They need some of those "Trayvon" targets, that is the kind of thug they need to be practicing on.

  7. Didn't he leave under bad terms from Wicomico County sheriff's office?

  8. Wow 6:26, you are some kind of ignorant.

  9. This company is looking to empty wallets folks.....

  10. I don't know any of the above people so, I can't say anything good or bad about them or any organization they represent. If you want great firearms training, go to the NRA website. They offer many different levels of training for different types of situations. The instructors are certified and will show you how to safely handle any type of firearm and/or situation where a firearm may be needed.


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