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Friday, July 08, 2016

Q&A With Perdue Farms Chairman Jim Perdue; Poultry Leader Talks Shore-Based Past, Present, Future Of Company, Industry

SALISBURY — Last week, Salisbury-based Perdue Farms Inc., which is the fourth largest poultry producer in the country, announced a series of precedent setting reforms that aims to improve the lives of the 700 million chickens it raises and slaughters each year.

Many industry experts have pointed to this sharpened focus on animal care by Perdue as something that could spark sweeping change in the poultry industry.

Jim Perdue, the third generation leader of the family business that pulled in over $6 billion in global sales last year, sat down with The Dispatch to talk about the new “forever initiative,” cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay and how the consumer is drastically changing the way companies of all sizes are doing business.


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