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Monday, July 18, 2016

Police officers pay for motel room, help raise $150G for homeless teen

More than $150,000 dollars have been raised for a Georgia 19-year-old who was found sleeping in a tent outside the gates of his college last weekend.

Fred Barley, who is homeless, was discovered by two police officers responding to a trespassing call near a parking lot at Gordon State College in Barnesville. He told the officers he had ridden his little brother's bicycle six hours to register for classes for his second semester of college.

In addition to the bike, Barley had two duffel bags containing all his wordly possessions and two gallons of water. All he had to eat, according to a report by WSB, was a box of cereal.

"After meeting Fred, I could tell he was a good kid,” Gordon State College Police Officer Dicky Carreker told the Barnesville Herald-Gazette. “He was a young kid who had been dealt a bad hand and was trying to make the best out of it. All he wanted was a job."

Carreker and Barnesville Police Officer Maria Gebelein told Barley he couldn't stay in the tent, but they knew someplace he could stay.

More here


  1. This makes me sick!! I'm tired of the liberal mentality the poor me agenda. There are 20 veterans a day committing suicide, homeless living under bridges that can't get help or benefits but this kid basically will get a free home and education

  2. This is a story BLM & liberals don't want you to know because it doesn't back their rhetoric about the police being racists and against the black man.

  3. I could just puke! There are a lot more deserving Vets that deserve our charity, not some dopey lazy black guy!

  4. Just another example of police helping someone down on their luck. If you listen to BLM all cops are racist killers. Just not true.


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