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Monday, July 18, 2016

Police: Man jailed after Facebook comments to ‘kill all white cops’

A 19-year-old Macon man was arrested after he allegedly posted comments on a TV station’s Facebook page telling the public to “kill all white cops.”

Derrick “De De” Hudson, of a Roosevelt Avenue address, is accused of typing “Just kill all white cracker cops LLH” (laughing like hell) on a post by WGXA-TV about 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, according to an arrest warrant. He is charged with soliciting people to commit murder.

Others on Facebook rebuked the comments, which were linked to a TV station post showing a video of Alton Sterling’s 15-year-old son speaking out about his father’s death.

Police shot Sterling July 5 in Louisiana in an incident captured on video and widely circulated on the internet.

A Bibb County sheriff’s sergeant took a screen shot of Hudson’s alleged threats, according to an incident report.

Hudson was booked in the Bibb County jail about five hours after the comments were posted.


Read more here: http://www.macon.com/news/local/crime/article89919172.html#storylink=cpy


  1. if stupidity were a crime

  2. Someone better start educating themselves on proper charges and definitions! This charge will never stick! Solicitation is a far far stretch!

  3. careful what we wish for here in the social media age.....open Pandora's box too big and the next thing you know - men who shouldn't be wearing banana hammock speedo's will be carted off to the pokie!!!! Lots of Nannie's (who definitely shouldn't be) are around here!!!

    Just sayin!!

  4. Disgusting but its protected speak.

  5. lock him up and throw away the key

  6. Another drug-addled face belonging to a person with a serious lack of discretion.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Disgusting but its protected speak.

    July 18, 2016 at 3:44 PM

    Not everything is protected speech. As in this case.

  8. CAN'T fix stupid!!! By looks of the photo the bloodlines running a little too close


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