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Thursday, July 07, 2016

Peter Schweizer: What’s Missing from the ‘Strange Gaps’ in Hillary’s Email History?

Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer, the author of the bestselling book “Clinton Cash” and narrator of the newdocumentary of the same name, writes in Politico Magazineabout the “strange gaps” in Hillary Clinton’s email history and what could be missing.

The past few weeks have brought a myriad of revelations about the private server Hillary Clinton used while she was secretary of state. First, there was the State Department inspector general’s devastating critique of the former secretary’s email practices. Then came sworn testimony of two key Clinton aides about how the server was set up and how the system worked (or didn’t). Just this weekend, Clinton met with the FBI to discuss her email arrangements. And on Tuesday, FBI Director James Comey announced that the agency would not recommend criminal charges over the handling of these emails, while at the same time offering a brutal assessment of how poorly Team Clinton handled classified information.

But, when it comes to Clinton’s correspondence, the most basic and troubling questions still remain unanswered: Why are there gaps in Clinton’s email history? Did she or her team delete emails that she should have made public?



  1. No e-mails during the critical days leading up to, during and after the Benghazi attack? It's obvious e-mails were deleted. Just look over the list yourselves. All this game-playing while our country is being destroyed from within must end. Your vote counts in November. Even if you don't like him, vote Trump! Change is more necessary now than ever before!

  2. Gotta love Schweizer. His Clinton Cash book rules. A review is forthcoming but would suggest people pick it up ASAP. He's very pointed in his criticisms of Clinton as well as his evidence-supported damnation of her corruption.

    Her 'lawyers' deleted many things including everything to do with Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation's quid pro quo for donations and high speaking engagements.

    And for all you Democrats out there thinking he's a big right wing conspirator, right now, he's working on a like-investigation of Jeb Bush.


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