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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Pat Buchanan: GOP Elites Not Attending Convention Because Trump’s 'Insurrection' Against Romney/Ryan Wing on Trade, Immigration, Foreign Policy Succeeded

Conservative commentator and former GOP presidential candidate Pat Buchanan argued this weekend that GOP elites who represent the globalist wing of the party will not attend this year’s convention because Donald Trump’s insurrection against them on trade, immigration, and foreign policy has succeeded.

When host Michael Smerconish mentioned on his Saturday CNN program that the party’s last two Presidents—George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush—and presidential nominees—Mitt Romney and John McCain—will not be attending this year’s convention in Cleveland, Buchanan said the reason the elites and the “leadership of the party and the old leadership of the party is not showing up is because Donald Trump, the nominee, is conducting an insurrection against those individuals and against the policy they produced, on trade, immigration and foreign policy.”

“If Donald Trump wins this election, he is going to take the country in a new direction,” he said. “He’s running an insurrection against the political, corporate, and media elites in Washington, D.C., and he’s running an insurrection against the Republican elites, and he has succeeded.”



  1. Trump 2016 we are awakening!!!!

  2. And that's why we are all voting for him!!!

  3. They need not come. THIS Convention is not about them, it's about US!

  4. The establishment needs to wake up. We don't care if they don't attend the convention. We want only Trump supporters anyway. We are tired of DC politicians and are ready for real change!

  5. Tantrums. Just like the liberals.

  6. Let their stupid arses stay home, if they don't go, they only want more of the same that we've had for the past 8 years, they don't want change. Only Trump supporters please.

  7. Bla, bla, bla, lets just get to November.


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