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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Nothing Has Changed, Just The Faces


  1. I see that she is flooding the news with the film she made in 1998 about children.
    It's all about the children not the election.

  2. The Clintons perfected lying and cheating. Just look at the people they surround themselves with. And yet Democrats are going to vote for her.

  3. Here's some hope for America. I had the pleasure of talking to some former Democrats. This woman actually worked actively for the Democrat party. She said no more. Changed her party and will not vote for Hillary. She and her daughter both. Come on Democrats - WAKE UP. With the Democrats it's not about you - it's about controlling you.

  4. I'm one of those Democrats. Party power isn't why or how I vote. Hillary is not my choice, but the Party's, and I disagree with that choice, a disagreement that will be expressed in the voting booth.

  5. This should be our plan. I was not a Trump supporter and I am still concerned about what he will do as president. However, I am much less concerned than if Hillary should win. I think we can all agree - If Trump does screw it up we can get him out in 4. If Hillary is elected we will have 8 years! Democrats need to think about this. You cannot seriously be thinking she is the right choice.

  6. I wonder how it comes about what party you take to. I am a life-time republican from a democrat family. Always knew my father was a democrat but it wasn't actually discussed. I also wonder if he was because his dad was one. Anyway, I guess I thought on my own being a republican. By the way, I plan on getting as far away from that party soon, due to their disloyalty to our candidate, among other things. I am for Trump 100% and it irritates me the way Mitt, Jeb, Paul Ryan and other treat him. Not Trumps fault he is more popular than those losers.

  7. Probably the most disappointing part about this is, is that there are plenty of voting Americans, people who work hard and are good family folks, who just don't care about the lies and corruption of Bill & Hillary. They'll give Hillary their vote.


  8. "I did not have e-mail with that server."

    Oops, Yes I did. A lot!

  9. 4 years...hell 4 MORE years of this crapola - that's what really scares the hell outta me!


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