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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Mosby, Schatzow Continue Claims Of Police Obstruction, Call For More Accountability For Police

State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby's office is contradicting reports they simply approached and did not use the assistance of Maryland State Police during their investigation of Freddie Gray's death.

Mosby also dismissed some of the claims made by former police commissioner Anthony Batts about how police handled their investigation, and spoke against structures she said make it hard to hold police accountable. She and Chief Deputy State's Attorney Michael Schatzow were in studio with C4 Friday.

Mosby reiterated the decision was one she grappled with, but that proceeding with the three likely bench trials to follow was sure to be fruitless, with the same evidence and the same trier of fact, Judge Barry Williams.

"His rationale, he didn't believe the state's theory of the case and he's well within his right to do so, he's the judge," Mosby said.



  1. Mosby is nothing but a race hustler. Period.

  2. She might get better once she turns 18.

    1. No matter what her age she'll never get better until she grows up.

  3. How does one die from injuries sustained in police custody while handcuffed? Please explain that.

  4. Sorry Mosby - your the one who brought the charges before a proper investigation was completed. You failed to use a grand jury to present the case, etc...now you want to spin your loss on someone else!


  5. Incompetent prosecutor and leader. Publicity hound. Rush to charge and try. And Judge Williams has been a breath of fresh air.

    Hope she is severely sanctioned for her comments about the judge when she dropped the charges. Just like the lousy golfer in DC, it's everyone else's fault!

  6. 7:44 by acting stupid and not staying where he was placed. It's not like it's rocket science. His own friend the one who made the video said Freddie was yelling and throwing himself around in the van for at least 2 blocks that the friend could see. The other passenger said the same thing for the last part of the trip.
    The bottom line is Freddie died because of his own actions and his own action only. Again it's not rocket science! 1000's of people a day are transported like that and they don't injury themselves. They don't because they stay in place and aren't throwing themselves around.


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